Be the Best you can Be!

Date: 25th Sep 2018 @ 11:57am

Our school target for this year is..."Be the Best you can Be!"

In our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning), 'New Beginnings' assemblies we have been thinking about how we can help ourselves to be the best we can be.


So far we have agreed the following:

  • be prepared, with the right uniform, a coat, book bag and PE kit;
  • be punctual and prompt - getting to the right place on time is important as every second counts for learning;
  • get a good night's sleep - it is important to be well rested to give your body and brain a chance to rest, recover and grow so that we can learn our best; Why is sleep important?
  • have a good breakfast as food is fuel and this does not include eating bags of crisps on the playground before school starts! We have an athlete visiting school this week who will also talk about the importance of a healthy breakfast.

If children in our school struggle with bedtime routines or eating a range of foods then our Family Workers are here to help please contact school and ask to speak to Anita or Laura. We are currently running Family Learning sessions, 'Cooking on a Budget', which is full but look out for future courses.

I am always impressed with how are children and staff strive to be the best they can be.

Keep up the good work Willow Wood!