Family Support


Family Support at Willow Wood is available to all pupils, their parents and carers.

We have an open-door policy for any child, parent or carer of the school to speak to a member of the team in confidence or ask for support.

The role of family support is to work with children and their families who may be experiencing short or long-term challenges that may be impacting on a child and their learning.  Part of the role involves direct work with children and their families and we also offer a signposting and referral service to other local organisations.

We work in close partnership with local services including Children’s Centre, Food Banks, Health Services, Housing and debt charities and other agencies from both statutory and voluntary sectors.  By working together we can identify appropriate support to help support you and your child.

As part of Willow Wood Community Primary School's comitment to support the emotional wellbeing of our pupils we are also able to provide ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support) sessions to identified pupils.

If you have a concern or a matter on which you would like advice or support with, please contact a member of the family support team through the main office.

Meet the Team:

Laura Nelson - Student Safeguarding and Welfare Officer and Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

Liz Colenso  - Family Support Worker and attendance officer