on line learning w/b 5th October 2020

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 12:47pm

On line learning week beginning 5th October 2020

This week we are continuing to think about our families and sing our nursery rhymes

Have a listen to this story,


can you talk to your grown up about your family and who is in it?

Can you practice singing the nursery rhymes we have learned so far,

Baa baa black sheep

Incy wincy spider

1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive.

Ask your child if they can identify familiar objects and properties for you when they are described. For example: ‘Katie’s coat’, ‘blue car’, ‘shiny apple’.


Can you sing some number songs with your child?

5 little ducks

5 little speckled frogs

Can your child draw a picture of them self and their family. Giving meaning to each mark they make ie ‘Mummy’ ‘me’ etc

Watch this little clip


get your child to show you one on their fingers and ask them to find one of different objects.

Help your child to practise, putting their jumper on and off.

Get your child to talk about the similarities and differences between themselves and the other families members.

Sort out toys or socks into colours, getting the children to tell you why they are making those choices.


Please will you take  a photograph or video of your child doing these activities (if they are well enough) and either upload it to Tapestry or email it to [email protected]