Mini Police Assembly
Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 12:09pm
This week we welcomed parents to join us in our Mini police assembly. Year 5 had previously completed their applications to join the Mini Police force, after working with PCSO Hannah Harrison and PCSO Clare Atkins. The children introduced their new community project, explaining how they will be working alongside the police to learn about how we can make Winsford a better place to be. They worked collaboratively to create their motto, which is ‘United in improving our community’
As a class we decided on the following three areas we would like to improve about our community:
1. Reducing littering & Recycling- because they felt it is important to reduce the plastics being deposited into our oceans and they also want to community to look more presentable.
2. Speeding- because they recognised the importance of everyone keeping safe on the roads.
3. Anti-bullying & Hate crimes- because they are aware of hate crimes increasing across the country and they want everyone in our community to feel safe and valued.
After receiving their certificates and uniforms from Inspector Andrew Smith and PC Panda. The children are really looking forward to fulfilling their roles as mini police officers in the coming weeks.
We would like to thank the whole Police team for their time and support delivering this excellent project.