Lilac and Fir Cones Classes 2024 - 2025
Mrs Capper
Mrs Smith
Welcome to Lilac and Fir Cones Classes.
Lilac Team:
Mrs Elaine Capper
Mrs Sam Ridgway
Miss Katie Sparkes
Fir Cones Team
Mrs Caroline Smith
Ms Jess Arnold
Miss Rebecca Fisher
Both classes: Mrs Sarah Atkinson (SENDCo)
Children in Lilac and Fir Cones class are registered with their year group as well and have individual timetables because of this.
If you are unsure when PE days are or whether an email you have recieved includes your child, please ask a member of staff.
You are welcome to speak to any member of the teams but if you require a longer chat it may be more helpful to book an appointment.
Lilac and Fir Cones Classes: Gallery items
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Lilac and Fir Cones Classes: Calendar items
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