on line learning w/b 12th October 2020

Date: 19th Oct 2020 @ 12:11pm

On line learning week beginning 12th October 2020

This week we are going to think about our feelings and emotions continue to sing our nursery rhymes and count numbers to 5.

Can your child practice putting on their coat by themselves? And even have a go at trying to zip it up.



Have a go at singing these number songs.

Can they sing the songs and nursery rhymes we have practiced so far and show you the Makaton signs.

Baa baa black sheep

Incy wincy spider

12345 once I caught a fish alive and

Old McDonald had a farm

Can you watch this story and talk about all the different emotions? Does your child know what makes them feel these emotions?


Can your child draw a picture of what makes them feel happy and explain why it makes them feel happy?

What emotion does the colour monster feel at the end of the story? What makes you feel that way?

Can you go on a number hunt around the house? Do they recognise any numerals? What numerals do they recognise?

Can your child tap out/ clap to a rhythm of their favourite song?


Have a look at this singing hands song, can the children count the firemen and show you how many firemen are left on their fingers


Please will you take  a photograph or video of your child doing these activities (if they are well enough) and either upload it to Tapestry or email it to [email protected]