Phonics, phonics, phonics!
Phonics is one of the most important things that your child will learn in Year One. Phonics is the link between the letters and the sounds that they make. It will help your child learn to read and write.
At Willow Wood, the phonics scheme that we follow is called Little Wandle. In Year One we mostly focus on phase 4 and phase 5 in our daily phonics sessions. Your child will bring a book home that matches the phase that they are learning.
You can help your child to practise their phonics by reading each night at home.
PhonicsPlay is a great website for the children to practise sounding out (c-a-t) and blending back together (cat).
At the end of Year One, all of the children will undertake something called the Phonics Screening Check that is issued by the government. They will have lots of help to prepare for this and the children are unaware that they are being tested. If you want to practise the real and nonsense words that will be similar to the words the children will have to read follow the link below.
We will be holding phonics assemblies and workshops throughout the year for you to be able to help your children with phonics even more at home! Please don't hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions about phonics (or anything else).